
A Eukleides source file can contain:

Variable names are case sensitive, the first character has to be a letter or an underscore character, further ones can be letters, digits, underscores or single quote characters. Variables can store various objects: number, vector, line, segment, circle, conic curve. A line of the source file can contain more than one assignment or command. (In this case they must be separated by semicolons. A semicolon at the end of the line is allowed but not necessary.)

We'll use the following notations to describe the parameters in a command:

An angular parameter is a number valued expression followed by `:' (degrees) or `<' (radians). A string is any single line text enclosed in double quotes or dollar symbols (which should be used for `"$' and `$"'). With xeukleides, in order to improve displaying of texts, dollar symbols are skipped in strings.

We'll use square brackets to indicate optional parameters.

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