This document describes the objects and data structures used by RLPlot in RLPlot (*.rlp, *.rlw) files. |
Objects: Arrow, Arrow3D, Axis, Bar, bezier, Box, BoxPlot, Brick, Bubble, BubblePlot, ContourPlot, DataLine, DataPolygon, Defaults, DensDisp, DropLine, DropLine3D, ellipse, ErrorBar, FitFunc, FreqDist, Func3D, Function, Graph, Grid3D, GridLine, GridLine3D, GridRadial, group, Label, Legend, LegItem, Limits, Line3D, mLabel, NormQuant, Page, Plane3D, Plot3D, PlotScatt, PolarPlot, polygon, polyline, rectangle, RegLine, Regression, Ribbon, roundrec, Scatt3D, SDellipse, SegChart, segment, Sphere, Stacked, svgOptions, Symbol, TextFrame, Tick, Whisker, xyStat |
Data structures (records): axisdef, dword, filldef, float, fplst, fplst3D, fpoint, fpoint3d, frect, gobj, int, iplst, linedef, objlst, text, textdef |
Type <int> |
ssRef <iplst> | reference to spreadsheet data |
moveable <int> | if this value is not null the arrow may be draged with the mouse |
p1 <fpoint> | starting point (origin) of arrow |
p2 <fpoint> | second point (end) of arrow |
CapW <float> | head width |
CapL <float> | head length |
Line <linedef> | line width, color ... |
Type <int> |
Line <linedef> | line width, color ... |
Org <fpoint3d> | starting point (origin) of arrow |
Pos <fpoint3d> | second point (end) of arrow |
CapW <float> | head width |
CapL <float> | head length |
ssRef <iplst> | reference to spreadsheet data |
Type <int> | usage of axis: |
moveable <int> | if this item is specified with a value of 1 the axis may be draged with the mouse. |
sAxLine <float> | linewidth of the axis and ticks |
sAxTick <float> | length of major ticks |
BrkGap <float> | size of axis break, gap size |
BrkSymSize <float> | size of symbol drawn at break |
BrkSym <int> | type of break symbol |
tick_type <int> | default 'Type' of Ticks |
tick_angle <float> | default tick angle: the'Rot' member of the Ticks |
sTickLabel <float> | text size of tick labels |
LbDist <fpoint> | distance of axis label from the axis |
TickLbDist <fpoint> | distance of tick labels from the axis |
tlbDef <textdef> | style of tick labels |
Color <dword> | axis and tick color |
AxisDef <axisdef> | definition of axis |
GridLine <linedef> | grid line default style: color, width and pattern |
GridType <int> | type of GridLine or GridLine3D. |
Ticks <objlst> | list of ticks, <Ticks, associated with this axis |
Label <gobj> | the axis label, <Label> |
TickFile <text> | optional path and filename of a file containing tick information. The file is pure ASCII and contains one line per tick.
Each line starts with a value (i.e. the tick position) followed by an optional
'=' and label text.
Ticks with no label are considered as minor ticks, while those with a label are major ticks. Only ticks in the specified axis range are actually displayed. This member superseeds the 'Ticks' item if present. |
ssRefTV <text> | this member is set when ticks are specified via spreadsheet values. It specifies the spreadsheet range for major tick values. |
ssRefTL <text> | defines a spreadsheet range for tick labels, the ticks are defined in ssRefTV |
ssRefMT <text> | reference to spreadsheet values for minor ticks. Minor ticks are smaller than major ticks and have no text label. |
g_type <int> | type of gradient axis (rainbow ...) |
g_col_0 <dword> | gradient color: fixed color |
g_col_1 <dword> | low gradien color |
g_col_2 <dword> | high gradient color |
Type <int> |
ssRef <iplst> | reference to spreadsheet data |
Pos <fpoint> | coordinates of the bar (data values) |
Size <float> | width of bar. If bit 9 is set in Type this value
is a relative value (% of bar distance). If bit 9 is 0 this value is an absolute width |
Org <fpoint> | baseline values for horizontal and vertical
bars |
Line <linedef> | outline characteristics |
Fill <filldef> | fill or hatch pattern |
FillLine <linedef> | define line of fill or hatch pattern |
Name <text> | an optional name for this bar |
Type <int> | create and display flags |
moveable <int> | if this item is specified with a value of 1 the shape may be draged with the mouse. |
Data <fplst> | a list of x- and y- values for each contol point |
Line <linedef> | color and drawing mode for line |
FillLine <linedef> | line definition for fill patterns |
Fill <filldef> | fill color and pattern |
Type <int> | defines the meaning of the Size item: absolute width or relative (%) |
ssRef <iplst> | reference to spreadsheet data |
High <fpoint> | x- and y- coordinates of first point |
Low <fpoint> | x- and y- coordinates of second point |
Size <float> | width of box, interpretation dependend on Type. |
Line <linedef> | outline color and width |
FillLine <linedef> | line properties for any fill pattern |
Fill <filldef> | fill box with color and pattern (using FillLine) |
Name <text> | an optional name for this box |
Type <int> | method to calculate values from spreadsheet |
hide <int> | flag that this layer is hidden |
Bounds <frect> | scaling information (minima and maxima in both x- and y- direction) |
xRange <text> | reference to spreadsheet data source: x values. |
yRange <text> | reference to spreadsheet data source: y values. |
prefix <text> | text prefix to number of cases label |
boDist <fpoint> | box distance in x- and y-direction. Used to calculate relative width of boxes. |
ci_box <float> | confidence interval for use with boxes |
ci_err <float> | confidence interval for use with error bars |
x_axis <int> | use other x axis for this plot: index to list of axes in Graph. |
y_axis <int> | use other y axis for this plot: index to list of axes in Graph. |
Boxes <objlst> | list of Boxes for this layer |
Whiskers <objlst> | list of Whiskers |
Symbols <objlst> | list of Symbols |
Labels <objlst> | list of case-count- Labels of this layer |
Line <gobj> | DataLine of this layer |
Line <linedef> | outline properties |
Fill <filldef> | fill color |
Pos <fpoint3d> | xyz - coordinates of center |
depth <float> | depth of Brick (z direction) |
width <float> | width of Brick (x direction) |
height <float> | height of Brick (y direction) |
flags <dword> | bit flags: 0x800 height is y data |
ssRef <iplst> | reference to spreadsheet data |
Type <int> | type of bubble:
bits 0-3: shape value 0 circle, 1 square, 2 up triangle, 3 down triangle bits 4-7: scaling 0x00 absolute size 0x10 scale size with x-axis 0x20 scale size with y-axis bits 8-11: proportionality 0x000 same diameter as circle of same size 0x100 same circumference as circle 0x200 same area as circle |
ssRef <iplst> | reference to spreadsheet data |
Pos <fpoint> | coordinates of bubble center (data values) |
Size <float> | the bubbles size. Note that the interpretation of this value depends on bit-flags in Type. |
Line <linedef> | outline characteristics |
FillLine <linedef> | define line of fill or hatch pattern |
Fill <filldef> | fill or hatch pattern |
Name <text> | an optional name for this bubble |
hide <int> | flag that this layer is hidden |
Bounds <frect> | scaling information (minima and maxima in both x- and y- direction) |
x_axis <int> | use other x axis for this plot: index to list of axes in Graph. |
y_axis <int> | use other y axis for this plot: index to list of axes in Graph. |
Line <linedef> | outline style and color |
FillLine <linedef> | style and color of pattern line |
Fill <filldef> | fill color and pattern definition |
Bubbles <objlst> | list of Bubbles |
Type <int> | not used |
hide <int> | flag that this layer is hidden |
Bounds <frect> | scaling information (minima and maxima in both x- and y- direction) |
xBounds <fpoint> | min and max x-value |
yBounds <fpoint> | min and max y-value |
zBounds <fpoint> | min and max z-value |
srz <float> | level (z-value) of super rectangle |
flags <dword> | super rectangle level: 0x00 at z-min 0x01 at z-max 0x02 at z-mean 0x03 use srz value symbols: 0x00 none 0x10 at minima 0x20 at maxima 0x30 all source data labels: 0x40 symbols have labels |
zDef <axisdef> | definitions for the color gradient axis |
zAxis <gobj> | the gradient axis |
Values <fplst3d> | a copy of the source data |
Symbols <objlst> | the Symbols of the plot |
Labels <objlst> | the value-Labels of the plot |
ssRefX <text> | reference to the spreadsheet: x- values |
ssRefY <text> | reference to the spreadsheet: y- values |
ssRefZ <text> | reference to the spreadsheet: z- values |
Note: Isopleths are not stored in this object but in the Tick-objects of the gradient axis. |
Type <int> | style: any value > 0 will result in a step line with the points on differnt
places relative to the steps 9 draw a horizontal spline 10 draw a vertical spline |
ssXref <text> | reference to the spreadsheet: x- values |
ssYref <text> | reference to the spreadsheet: y- values |
BgCol <dword> | background color |
Line <linedef> | line characteristics (color, width and pattern) |
Data (<int nPoints>){<fpoint>} | a list of x- and y- values, nPoints long |
file_xy <text> | optional file name (full path) which is read
instead of any data within the object. The file is a pure text file with
x and y value in each line separated by white space.
This item superseeds the nPoints and Data definitions, if present. |
start_x <float> | this item together with <file_y> and <step_x> define how x-values are calculated to form x/y pairs. |
step_x <float> | increment <start_x> by this value to calculate the coresponding x-value for each y-value read from <file_y>. |
file_y <text> | optional file name (full path) which is read instead of any data within the object. The file is a pure text file with an y-value in each line. This item superseeds the nPoints and Data definitions, if present. x-values are substituted by 0, 1, 2, 3 .... . |
Desc <text> | description used for legend |
Type <int> | same as for DataLine |
ssXref <text> | reference to the spreadsheet: x- values |
ssYref <text> | reference to the spreadsheet: y- values |
BgCol <dword> | background color |
Line <linedef> | line characteristics (color, width and pattern) |
FillLine <linedef> | characteristics of lines of fill patterns |
Fill <filldef> | fill color and pattern |
Data (<int nPoints>){<fpoint>} | a list of x- and y- values, nPoints long |
file_xy <text> | optional file name (full path) which is read
instead of any data within the object. The file is a pure text file with
x and y value in each line separated by white space.
This item superseeds the nPoints and Data definitions, if present. |
start_x <float> | this item together with <file_y> and <step_x> define how x-values are calculated to form x/y pairs. |
step_x <float> | increment <start_x> by this value to calculate the coresponding x-value for each y-value read from <file_y>. |
file_y <text> | optional file name (full path) which is read instead of any data within the object. The file is a pure text file with an y-value in each line. This item superseeds the nPoints and Data definitions, if present. x-values are substituted by 0, 1, 2, 3 .... . |
dUnits <int> | default units for new graphs 0 use mm 1 use cm 2 use inch |
cUnits <int> | current units of graph, see above |
dtHeight <int> | height of text in dialog boxes (pixels) |
ss_txt <float> | relative size of spreadsheet text |
fmt_date <text> | format string for date |
fmt_datetime <text> | format string for date + time |
fmt_time <text> | format string for time |
curr_path <text> | the default folder to open/save data, usually the last folder being accessed |
menu_height <int> | the height of the menu bar in pixels 2) |
File1 <text> | file history 1 |
File2 <text> | file history 2 |
File3 <text> | file history 3 |
File4 <text> | file history 4 |
File5 <text> | file history 5 |
File6 <text> | file history 6 |
1) This object is used to store user specific settings. RLPlot stores some data in a local file, .RLPlot. This file is found in the home directory of the user. On Windows this file is located in the user profile - Application Data folder. Delete this file to revert all settings to the start up defaults. |
2) Depending on the window manager RLPlot cannot retrieve the height of the menu bar. This can cause the menu bar to overlap the column buttons in the spread sheet. The value is interpreted as a minimum height, thus moving the whole spreadsheet down. The value is accesible through the spread sheet menu, [Edit][Rows/Cols][Width and Height]. |
Type <int> | orientation and alignmentof bars: bits 0-3: symmetric/positive/negative bit 0x10: vertical profile |
hide <int> | flag that this layer is hidden |
Bounds <frect> | minima and maxima of data values. Used for scaling. |
xRange <text> | reference to spreadsheet data source: x values. |
yRange <text> | reference to spreadsheet data source: y values. |
x_axis <int> | use other x axis for this plot: index to list of axes in Graph. |
y_axis <int> | use other y axis for this plot: index to list of axes in Graph. |
Line <linedef> | outline characteristics (color, width and pattern) |
FillLine <linedef> | characteristics of lines of fill patterns |
Fill <filldef> | fill color and pattern |
Boxes <objlst> | list of Boxes |
Type <int> | bit 0: line to left frame bit 1: to right frame bit 2: to vertical (y-) axis bit 4: line to top of frame bit 5: to bottom of frame bit 6: to horizontal (x-) axis |
ssRef <iplst> | reference to spreadsheet data |
Pos <fpoint> | data point, x- an y value |
Line <linedef> | line properties: color, width, pattern |
Type <int> | bit mask defining 6 directions |
Line <linedef> | line properties: color, width, pattern |
Pos <fpoint3d> | data point, x- an y value |
ssRef <iplst> | reference to spreadsheet data |
Type <int> | this value is 1 to identify an ellipse. |
moveable <int> | if this item is specified with a value of 1 the shape may be draged with the mouse. |
p1 <fpoint> | x- and y- coordinates of upper left corner |
p2 <fpoint> | lower right corner |
Line <linedef> | outline descriptor |
FillLine <linedef> | line used for fills and patterns |
Fill <filldef> | fill color and pattern |
Name <text> | an optional name for this ellipse |
Classical error bar giving the range relative to a given value. For asymetric errors and more styles Whiskers are used. |
Type <int> |
ssRef <iplst> | reference to spreadsheet data |
Pos <fpoint> | data point values |
Err <float> | error size (data) |
Size <float> | cap width |
Line <linedef> | defines the appearence of the line |
Desc <text> | description used for legend |
This layer accepts a user defined function and a literal initial declaration of parameters. The function is parsed and the parameters are adjusted by nonlinear regression using a Levenberg-Marquart algorithm so that the function has a minimum squared distance to some selected data (optimized fit). |
hide <int> | flag that this layer is hidden |
ssXref <text> | Reference to the spreadsheet data x-values |
ssYref <text> | Reference to the spreadsheet data y-values. The user supplied function is fitted to these data. |
x1 <float> | Start plot value |
x2 <float> | End plot value |
xstep <float> | Evaluate the function, y=f(x) from x=x1 until x=x2 incrementing x by this value. |
conv <float> | If chi2 < conv terminate iterations. |
chi2 <float> | Chi2 of the current fit |
maxiter <int> | Maximum number of iterations attempting to find a solution. |
Line <linedef> | Appearence of fitted line |
f_xy <text> | The user defined function |
p_xy <text> | Parameter declarations needed to evaluate f_xy. Usually the optimized parameters after analysis. |
Symbols <objlst> | Optional Symbols to indicate data points |
This is a combination of a bar chart and a function. The bar chart data are calculated as a frequency how often a value exists in a specific class of given size. The function is a fit to a distribution model |
Type <int> | Define function:
hide <int> | flag that this layer is hidden |
ssRef <text> | reference to spreadsheet data |
x_axis <int> | use non default x-axis for scaling |
y_axis <int> | use non default y-axis for scaling |
cl_start <float> | start classes at this value |
cl_size <float> | increment cl_start with this value to move to the next class |
BarLine <linedef> | default bar outline |
BarFill <filldef> | default bar fill color and pattern |
BarFillLine <linedef> | default line style used by fill pattern |
plots <objlst> | list of a bar chart and an optional function object |
This layer is based on Plot3D and displays a user defined function in 3D space. |
Type <int> | 0 draw grid 1 draw surface |
xBounds <fpoint> | min and max x-value |
yBounds <fpoint> | min and max y-value |
zBounds <fpoint> | min and max z-value |
Corner1 <fpoint3d> | lower, left, rear corner |
Corner2 <fpoint3d> | upper, right, front corner |
Center <fpoint3d> | coordinates of rotation center. Defaults to the middle between Corner1 and Corner2. |
rot_vec <fpoint3d> | unit vector of the rotation axis |
rot_ang <fpoint3d> | rotation angle (phi): sin(phi), cos(phi), 1-cos(phi) |
Axes <objlst> | list of axes. At least three axes are required, in each x, y, and z direction. |
Plots <objlst> | list of plots and other 3D-objects |
x1 <float> | Start plot value x |
x2 <float> | End plot value x |
xstep <float> | incrementing x by this value |
z1 <float> | Start plot value |
z2 <float> | End plot value |
zstep <float> | Evaluate the function, y=f(x,z) from x=x1 until x=x2, and z=z1 until z2 incrementing x by xstep and z by zstep. |
Line <linedef> | appearance of lines |
Fill <filldef> | appearance of surface |
f_xz <text> | The user defined function |
param <text> | Optional parameter declarations needed to evaluate f_xy |
This layer parses a user defined function and draws a 2D Plot. |
hide <int> | flag that this layer is hidden |
x1 <float> | Start plot value |
x2 <float> | End plot value |
xstep <float> | Evaluate the function, y=f(x) from x=x1 until x=x2 incrementing x by this value. The total number of points evaluated equals (x2-x1)/xstep. |
Line <linedef> | Line style and color |
f_xy <text> | The user defined function |
param <text> | Optional parameter declarations needed to evaluate f_xy |
DataLine <gobj> | A DataLine object used to draw the evaluated function |
Desc <text> | description used for legend |
This object is a root-object to a tree of objects. It collates axes, layers and user drawn object to a single graph. |
Type <int> | Basic properties and behaviour:
0: unknown type 1: standard xy-plots, orthogonal axes 2: a circular chart: no axes used 3: polar plot with angular and radial axes. The axes for this type of plot are defined in a PolarPlot layer. 4: three dimensional (3D) plot |
Units <int> | internationalization, units used:
0: use mm 1: use cm 2: use inch |
Scale <float> | scaling information |
GRect <frect> | The whole drawing area (similar a page). The two corner points of the rectangle are given in [Units], mm, cm or inch. |
DRect <frect> | The drawing rectangle. With most graphs this member defines the rectangle enclosed by the axes. |
Bounds <frect> | scaling information (minima and maxima in both x- and y- direction). If this member is not valid (e.g. if minimum is less or equal maximum) the graph is scaled automatically and the values corrected. |
ColFrame <dword> | background color for the whole drawing area (paper color), usually set to white |
ColFrameL <dword> | the color of the line marking the GRect on the screen, usually set to very light gray |
ColRec <dword> | the color of the data rectangle, DRect, usually set to white |
ColAxis <dword> | the default axis color |
Xaxis <axisdef> | the main x- axis, contains scaling information |
Yaxis <axisdef> | the main y- axis, contains scaling information |
DefXAxis <int> | identifier, which member of Axes is the default axis |
DefYAxis <int> | identifier, which member of Axes is the default axis |
Axes <objlst> | list of Axis objects |
Plots <objlst> | list of plots, layers, groups, and user drawn objects |
Note: Scaling information in the graph object takes precedence over all other objects. Thus the information in Xaxis and Yaxis is copied to the Axis objects denoted by DefXAxis and DefYAxis. Usually the axis information within these two objects is redundant to the graph object. The 'Scale' value is only involved when new objects are created. |
Type <int> | a key to the interpretation of data |
Start <fpoint3d> | origin of grid |
Step <fpoint3d> | increment Start for the position of grid lines |
Line <linedef> | defines the appearence of the grid lines |
Fill <filldef> | defines the appearence of a grid surface |
lines <objlst> | a list of Line3D objects |
planes <objlst> | a list of Plane3D objects |
Type <int> | bit 0: line to left frame
bit 1: line to right frame bit 2: line to y-axis bit 4: line to top frame bit 5: line to bottom frame bit 6: line to x-axis bit 8: circular grid line (latitude on polar plot) |
Line <linedef> | defines the appearence of the grid line |
flags <dword> | a copy of the axis or tick flags |
Note: The parent of a grid line is a <Tick> whose parent is an <Axis>. The position of the tickis defined by the axis and its value. Grid lines take the position of the parent Tick and the flags in Type for their placement. At least two bits must be set for a line to visible. If the axis is vertical ticks and grid lines are horizontal. Valid values for Type are therefore 3, 5, 6 and 7. For horizontal axes the respective values are 48, 80, 96 and 112. |
Type <int> | bit 0: line // to x axis, ! to z axis
bit 1: line // to y axis, ! to z axis bit 2: line // to x axis, ! to y axis bit 4: line // to z axis, ! to y axis bit 5: line // to y axis, ! to x axis bit 6: line // to z axis, ! to x axis |
Line <linedef> | defines the appearence of the grid line |
flags <dword> | a copy of the axis or tick flags |
Type <int> | (not used) |
Line <linedef> | defines the appearence of the grid line |
flags <dword> | a copy of the axis or tick flags |
Combine objects to a group. This objects also supports translation to a position offset for its children relative to some fixed coordinates. |
Pos <fpoint> | translation in x- and y- direction |
hide <int> | flag that this layer is hidden |
Items <objlst> | list of objects of any type in this group |
ssRef <iplst> | reference to spreadsheet data |
moveable <int> | If this item is specified with a value of 1 the label may be draged with the mouse. It is only useful if the Flags are 0, i.e. the label has an absolute position. |
Pos <fpoint> | position where the text is placed |
Dist <fpoint> | modify position by these two values |
Flags <dword> |
TxtDef <textdef> | font, style, color ... of text and the text |
pos <fpoint> | position of list relative to the drawing rectangle of the Graph |
rec1 <frect> | bounding information for all items |
rec2 <frect> | bounding information for rectangle with fill pattern |
rec3 <frect> | bounding information for simple line with or without symbol |
Items <objlst> | List of LegItems |
D_Line <linedef> | Properties of a Line |
O_Line <linedef> | Properties of the outline of a shape |
H_Line <linedef> | Properties of the fill pattern lines |
Fill <filldef> | Fill pattern of a shape |
Sym <gobj> | Use this Symbol |
Text <gobj> | Store description in a Label or mLabel object |
flags <dword> | Bit flags: 0x01 draw a horizontal line with D_Line properties 0x02 draw a rectangle with Fill pattern and color, pattern uses H_Line, the style of the outline is O_Line 0x04 draw symbol Sym |
This object modifies autoscaling behaviour of the Graph in a way that the axis minima and maxima are outside the rectangle defined by the Bounds member of this object. The Limits-object is a Layer similar to a Plot. It is usually included in a file created by scripts to optimize autoscaling. |
Bounds <frect> | Rectangle defining a range which must be within the autoscale region |
Line <linedef> | line characteristics (color, width and pattern) |
ssRefX <text> | reference to the spreadsheet: x- values |
ssRefY <text> | reference to the spreadsheet: y- values |
ssRefZ <text> | reference to the spreadsheet: z- values |
ssRef <iplst> | alternate reference to spreadsheet data |
values (<int nPoints>){<fpoint3D>} | a list of x-, y- and z- values, nPoints long |
moveable <int> | If this item is specified with a value of 1 the label may be draged with the mouse. |
Pos <fpoint> | position where the text is placed |
Dist <fpoint> | modify position by these two values |
lspc <float> | line spacing |
Flags <dword> | See the Label-object for details. |
TxtDef <textdef> | font, style, color ... of text |
Lines <objlst> | list of Labels, one for each line |
Type <int> | not used |
nData <int> | the actual number of data values |
Data <fplst> | a list of the source data |
ssRef <text> | reference to the spreadsheet range containing the data |
x_info <text> | data descriptor: x-axis |
y_info <text> | data descriptor: y-axis |
A page object is like a piece of paper where several Graphs are collected. This object is also used as a parent object to create composite graphs. In this case a page is created, just large enough to fit the Graphs. |
Type <int> | not used |
Units <int> | internationalization, units used:
0: use mm 1: use cm 2: use inch |
GRect <frect> | the whole drawing area, i.e. the paper size |
Plots <objlst> | list of graphs, plots, layers, groups, and user drawn objects |
This object defines a simple shape or polygon in 3D space, usually a triangle or rectangle. Note: this object is not siuted for bent surfaces in space. All points must reside on the same plane! |
Line <linedef> | Outline properties |
Fill <filldef> | Fill color. Hatches are usually not availble with 3D objects |
values <fplst3D> | Polygon data |
The root object for three dimensional plots. It defines a cube in space which may moved or rotated. The edges of this cube are the default axis of any 3D-plot. |
xBounds <fpoint> | min and max x-value |
yBounds <fpoint> | min and max y-value |
zBounds <fpoint> | min and max z-value |
Corner1 <fpoint3d> | lower, left, rear corner |
Corner2 <fpoint3d> | upper, right, front corner |
Center <fpoint3d> | coordinates of rotation center. Defaults to the middle between Corner1 and Corner2. |
rot_vec <fpoint3d> | unit vector of the rotation axis |
rot_ang <fpoint3d> | rotation angle (phi): sin(phi), cos(phi), 1-cos(phi) |
Axes <objlst> | list of axes. At least three axes are required, in each x, y, and z direction. |
Plots <objlst> | list of plots and other 3D-objects |
hide <int> | flag that this layer is hidden |
Bounds <frect> | Minima and maxima of data values. Used for scaling. |
DefSym <int> | default symbol type |
baDist <fpoint> | Distance between bars for x- and y-axis. This values are used to calculate relative bar width. If these values are zero but required by the program they are calculated from the Bardata in the Bars array. |
xRange <text> | Reference to spreadsheet data source: x values. |
yRange <text> | Reference to spreadsheet data source: y values. |
eRange <text> | Reference to spreadsheet data source: errors for error bars. |
lRange <text> | Reference to spreadsheet data source: text labels |
x_axis <int> | Use other x axis for this plot: index to list of axes in Graph. |
y_axis <int> | Use other y axis for this plot: index to list of axes in Graph. |
Bars <objlst> | List of Bars of this layer |
Symbols <objlst> | List of Symbols of this layer |
PL <gobj> | DataLine or DataPolygon of this layer |
ErrBars <objlst> | List of ErrorBars of this layer |
Arrows <objlst> | List of Arrows of this layer |
dLines <objlst> | List of DropLines of this layer |
Labels <objlst> | List of data-Labels of this layer |
x_info <text> | x-axis description |
y_info <text> | y-axis description |
Type <int> | if bit 0 is set in Type the radial axis is hidden |
hide <int> | flag that this layer is hidden |
Bounds <frect> | dummy values for compatibility with orthogonal plots |
ang_offs <float> | value subtracted form radial (x-) data, the startin angle |
Plots <objlst> | a list of plots and layers (e.g. PlotScatt) |
Axes <objlst> | a list of Axis-objects |
FillLine <linedef> | line properties for fill patterns |
Fill <filldef> | fill color and pattern |
Type <int> | This value is 1 to identify a polygon. |
moveable <int> | If this item is specified with a value of 1 the shape may be draged with the mouse. |
Data <fplst> | a list of x- and y- values for each point |
Line <linedef> | Color and drawing mode for line |
FillLine <linedef> | Line definition for fill patterns |
Fill <filldef> | Fill color and pattern |
Type <int> | This value is 0 or missing to identify a polyline. |
moveable <int> | If this item is specified with a value of 1 the line may be draged with the mouse. |
Data <fplst> | a list of x- and y- values for each point |
Line <linedef> | Appearence and drawing mode for line |
FillLine <linedef> | for compatibility with polgon |
Fill <filldef> | for compatibility with polgon |
Type <int> | This value is 0 or missing to identify a rectangle. |
moveable <int> | If this item is specified with a value of 1 the shape may be draged with the mouse. |
p1 <fpoint> | x- and y- coordinates of upper left corner |
p2 <fpoint> | lower right corner |
Line <linedef> | outline descriptor |
FillLine <linedef> | line used for fills and patterns |
Fill <filldef> | fill color and pattern |
Name <text> | an optional name for this rectangle |
type <int> | Type and flags of Line:
Bits 0-3: model used (i.e. use constants from l1, l2 ...) Bits 5-7: define clipping mode of function- plot |
nPoints <int> | Number of points used for analysis |
BgCol <dword> | Background color |
Line <linedef> | Properties of the line to display (color, width, pattern ...). |
Range <frect> | Four values, the minima and maxima for x- and y- values. |
uClip <frect> | The minima and maxima of a user defined rectangle which may be used for clipping the plotted function. |
li1, li2 ... <fpoint> | The constansts <a> and <b> for the different models of regression analysis. |
Type <int> | Not used |
hide <int> | flag that this layer is hidden |
Bounds <frect> | Scaling information (minima and maxima in both x- and y- direction). |
xRange <text> | Reference to spreadsheet data source: x- values. |
yRange <text> | Reference to spreadsheet data source: y values. |
x_axis <int> | Use other x axis for this plot: index to list of axes in Graph. |
y_axis <int> | Use other y axis for this plot: index to list of axes in Graph. |
Line <gobj> | The RegLine-object to hold regression output |
Ellipse <gobj> | The SDellipse-object representing the standard deviation (SD) ellipse |
Symbols <objlst> | A list of symbols representing the data points used for analysis. |
Note: This object contains either a RegLine-object or a SDellipse-object. If an ellipse is defined this object encapsulates the RegLine object. |
Type <int> | Orientation of planes: 1: planes are perpendicular to the xy plane 2: planes are perpendicular to the xz plane |
hide <int> | flag that this layer is hidden |
z-pos <float> | store a (fixed) z position |
z-width <float> | store a (fixed) width in z direction |
relwidth <float> | store a relative width |
ssRefX <text> | Reference to spreadsheet x-values |
ssRefY <text> | Reference to spreadsheet y-values |
ssRefZ <text> | Reference to spreadsheet z-values |
Line <linedef> | Common outline of all poygons |
Fill <filldef> | Common fill color of all poygons |
values <fplst3D> | Source data to generate ribbon |
Planes <objlst> | List of Plane3D objects constituting this layer |
Type <int> | This value is 2 to identify a rounded rectangle. |
moveable <int> | If this item is specified with a value of 1 the shape may be draged with the mouse. |
p1 <fpoint> | x- and y- coordinates of upper left corner |
p2 <fpoint> | lower right corner |
Line <linedef> | outline descriptor |
FillLine <linedef> | line used for fills and patterns |
Fill <filldef> | fill color and pattern |
Rad <float> | radius of circular arc at each edge |
Name <text> | an optional name for this object |
ssRefX <text> | reference to spreadsheet range for x-values |
ssRefY <text> | reference to spreadsheet range for y-values |
ssRefZ <text> | reference to spreadsheet range for z-values |
hide <int> | flag that this layer is hidden |
Line <gobj> | a Line3D object of this layer |
Balls <objlst> | A list of Spheres representing the data points |
Columns <objlst> | A list of Bricks |
DropLines <objlst> | A list of DropLine3Ds |
ParaV <gobj> | A Ribbon: the paravent plot |
Arrows <objlst> | A list of Arrow3Ds |
Draw an ellipse using the points of regression analysis. The major axis of the ellipse is along the regression line, the minor axis is perpendicular to the line. The length of the axes is the standard deviation of the points in the respective direction. |
type <int> | bit pattern and flag value: a bit mask of 0x10000 indicates that the regression line is hidden. all lower bits are equal to the RegLine object. |
Line <linedef> | line width, color, and pattern |
Range <frect> | plotting rectangle |
Regr <gobj> | a RegLine object defining the regression line |
Data <fplst> | a copy of the regression data |
ssRefA <text> | reference to spreadsheet data for angles. The sum of all angles equals the angular span given in the second value of CtDef member. |
ssRefR <text> | reference to spreadsheet data for radii of segments |
hide <int> | flag that this layer is hidden |
CtDef <fpoint> | start angle and angular span of chart in degrees. Values are usually "90 360" or "180 180" |
FacRad <float> | scaling factor for radii, used in connection with the ssRefR member. |
Segs <objlst> | list of segments |
moveable <int> | If this item is specified with a value of 1 the segment may be draged with the mouse. |
cent <fpoint> | Defines the center of the circle from which the segment is a part. |
ri <float> | Inner radius of a ring-segment. For pie slices this member is set to zero. |
ra <float> | Outer radius. This member defines the diameter of the plot. |
start <float> | The starting angle in degrees. |
end <float> | Stop angle in degrees. |
shout <float> | For exploded views this member defines the distance of the current segment from the center of the plot. |
Line <linedef> | Outline properties. |
FillLine <linedef> | Line properties for fill and hatch patterns |
Fill <filldef> | Fill color and pattern. |
Type <int> | Scaling information: 0 absolute size 1 size scaling with x-axis 2 size scaling with y-axis 3 size scaling with z-axis |
Line <linedef> | Outline properties |
Fill <filldef> | Fill color |
Pos <fpoint3d> | xyz - coordinates of center |
Size <float> | size of sphere |
ssRef <iplst> | reference to spreadsheet data |
This layer combines plots to a single layer. It is used e.g. for grouped bars, stacked polygons, multiple lines, and stacked bar plots. |
Bounds <frect> | scaling information (minima and maxima in both x- and y- direction) |
hide <int> | flag that this layer is hidden |
x_axis <int> | Use other x axis for this plot: index to list of axes in Graph. |
y_axis <int> | Use other y axis for this plot: index to list of axes in Graph. |
cumData <int> | Create cumulative data:
StartVal <float> | base value for cumulative data and plots |
Dspm <fpoint> | Distance between two sub-plots in x and y direction. This item is used together with lines to create a pseudo 3D graph (waterfall graph) |
ssXrange <text> | reference to the spreadsheet: x- values |
ssYrange <text> | reference to the spreadsheet: y- values |
BoxBars <objlst> | list of BoxPlots |
Plots <objlst> | list of PlotScatt objects |
Polygons <objlst> | list of DataPolygons |
Lines <objlst> | list of DataLines |
Note: This object manages its own data for cumulative plots like stacked bars and stacked polygons. References to spreadsheet cells from child plots may point to this data which are generated from the original spreadsheet values dependending on the value of 'cumData' and 'StartVal' using spreadsheet data in 'ssXrange' and 'ssYrange'. |
This is a special object with information which is included into a scaleable vector graphics file (SVG) during export. The id of this object is usually a negative number indicating that it is not part of an drawable object tree. |
tagAttr <text> | attributes to be included in the <svg> tag. Example: tagAttr= "onload=\"init(evt)\"" |
Script <text> | a JavaScript (ecma-script) which is included into a svg-file |
Type <int> | shape of symbol (circle, square, triangle ...) |
ssRef <iplst> | reference to spreadsheet data |
Idx <int> | sequential numbering of symbols in plot |
Pos <fpoint> | coordinates of symbol (data values) |
Size <float> | size of symbol |
Line <linedef> | outline style |
FillCol <dword> | fill color |
Text <textdef> | style and text for text symbol |
Name <text> | an optional name for this symbol |
moveable <int> | If this item is specified with a value of 1 the shape may be draged with the mouse. |
Pos1 <fpoint> | x- and y- coordinates of upper left corner |
Pos2 <fpoint> | lower right corner |
lspc <float> | line spacing |
Pad <frect> | distance of the text from the bounding rectangle |
TxtDef <textdef> | default style, size and color of the text |
Line <linedef> | rectangle outline appearance |
FillLine <linedef> | line used for fills and patterns |
Fill <filldef> | fill color and pattern of the rectangle |
Text <text> | the text contained in the frame |
Type <int> | the low order 4 bits give some further information on tick rotation: 0x00 tick is perpendicular to axis 0x01 use the 'Rot' member as direction 0x02 tick paralell to x-axis 0x03 tick paralell to y-axis 0x04 tick paralell to z-axis |
Val <float> | value of tick |
Flags <dword> | flags are the same as in <axisdef> |
Rot <float> | use this angle (degree) as tickdirection if the low order 4 bits of 'Type' are equal to 0x01 |
GridType <int> | Type of GridLine or GridLine3D. |
Grid <gobj> | optional grid line owned by this tick, <GridLine> |
Label <gobj> | optional tick label, <Label> |
Polygons <objlst> | a list of isopleths defined for the current level "Val". This member is used for ContourPlots. |
Size <float> | length of tick line |
Different types of error bar like range indicators. Uses absolute vales in contrast to ErrorBar with different placement and styling options. |
Type <int> | drawing style |
ssRef <iplst> | reference to spreadsheet data |
High <fpoint> | x- and y- coordinates of first point |
Low <fpoint> | x- and y- coordinates of second point |
Size <float> | cap width |
Line <linedef> | line color and width |
Desc <text> | description used for legend |
This layer displays a xy-Plot (line with symbols, bars etc. with errors) calculated from spreadsheet values |
Type <int> | method to calculate values from spreadsheet |
hide <int> | flag that this layer is hidden |
Bounds <frect> | Minima and maxima of data values. Used for scaling. |
DefSym <int> | default symbol type |
baDist <fpoint> | Distance between bars for x- and y-axis. This values are used to calculate relative bar width. If these values are zero but required by the program they are calculated from the Bardata in the Bars array. |
confi <float> | confidence interval |
xRange <text> | Reference to spreadsheet data source: x values. |
yRange <text> | Reference to spreadsheet data source: y values. |
prefix <text> | text prefix to number of cases label |
x_axis <int> | Use other x axis for this plot: index to list of axes in Graph. |
y_axis <int> | Use other y axis for this plot: index to list of axes in Graph. |
Bars <objlst> | List of Bars of this layer |
Symbols <objlst> | List of Symbols of this layer |
PL <gobj> | DataLine or DataPolygon of this layer |
ErrBars <objlst> | List of ErrorBars or Whiskers of this layer |
Labels <objlst> | List of case-count- Labels of this layer |
x_info <text> | x-axis description |
y_info <text> | y-axis description |
Flags <dword> |
Min <float> | low value for scaling |
Max <float> | high values for scaling |
X Y Z <float><float><float> | position of first point of axis in space (3D) |
X Y Z <float><float><float> | position of seconmd point of axis (3D) |
Start <float> | start value of linear axis |
Step <float> | step size for linear axis |
Center <fpoint> | center of polar plot |
Radius <float> | radius of polar plot |
Breaks <int> | number of axis breaks |
{<fpoint> <fpoint>......} | an optional list of break data. This list should contain as many pairs of data (low and high for each break) as indicated by the Breaks member. |
type <int> | type of hatch pattern, a values of 256 is set for 3D shading with light source |
color <dword> | the background color (RGB triple) of the shape |
scale <float> | scaling factor for fill or hatch pattern. A value of 1.0 means 100% size |
hatch <dword> | reserved NULL |
color2 <dword> | auxiliary color e.g. for shading or gradient fills |
a list of values, usually xy pairs. The general form is "(n){x0 y0 ... xn yn}" where n is the number of xy pairs and and x0 y0through xn yn are the values. This data structure is used to store a list of coordinates. |
a list of values, usually xyz triples. The general form is "(n){x0 y0 z0 ... xn yn zn}" where n is the number of xyz tiples and and x0 y0 z0 through xn yn zn are the values. This data structure is used to store a list of coordinates in space. |
four floating point numbers used to define a two dimensional range. The values are low x, high y, high x, and low y. This record keeps e.g. minima and maxima for a given data set. |
an identifier of an object. Each object must be defined in the file before it is referenced in <gobj>. An array of <gobj> is defined as <objlst>. |
a list of integer values, usually xy pairs. The general form is "(n){x0 y0 ... xn yn}" where n is the number of xy pairs and and x0 y0through xn yn are the values. This data structure is also used to store a reference to the spreadsheet data, 0 0 means cell A1 and 1 1 means B2. To define the coordinates of one point the corresponding entry could be (2){ 0 2 1 2} meaning take the x-value from A2 and the y-value from B2. |
width <float> | linewidth |
patlength <float> | the length of pattern |
color <dword> | line color |
pattern <dword> | line pattern: 0x00000000 solid line, 0xfffffff no line, 0xff00ff00 dashed |
n <int> | The number of objects defined in the following list |
obj1 ... objn | A list of identifiers to objects, <gobj>s. Each object must be defined prior to any reference to it in a <objlst>. |
A text string delimited by double quotes. A backslash at the end of the
line (after the last double quote) is a continuation character causing the next line to be added to the
ColTxt <dword> | text color |
ColBg <dword> | background color used for opaque text |
FSize <float> | text height |
RotBL <float> | angle to rotate text |
RotCHAR <float> | angle to rotate each character (n.a.) |
Align <int> | hot spot of text, 0 = left top, 10 = right bottom possible values: 0 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 |
Mode <int> | 0 = opaque (fill background below text with
ColBG; 1 = transparent |
Style <int> | 0 = normal or a binary or of 0x01 (italic) | 0x02 (bold) | 0x04 (underlined) |
Font <int> | font: 0 = Helvetica, 1 = Times, 2 = Courier |
text <text> | optional text |