jLog Help

for jLog V 4.3

Install/Uninstall jLog
   Minimum requirements
   Install jLog
   Uninstall jLog
Getting started with jLog
   The Main Window
   Setting the User Profile
   Resizing and removing columns
   Adding information
   Entering QSOs manually
   Import existing data using ADIF
   Import existing data in a non-ADIF format
   Saving and opening a file
Menu Commands

Navigating between and inside windows
Tracking QSLs
   Classic QSLs
   Logbook of The World (LoTW)
The Keyer(s)
The Radio Interface
Register jLog
Version history



jLog has proven to be very stable, but you never know... Adding new functionality can introduce errors. Save copies of your log file frequently, just in case...

jLog is written in Java and can therefore run on almost any platform. Installers have been tested with Linux, Windows (98 - - XP) and Mac OS ("Classic" Mac and Mac OS X) and Solaris.

The User Interface is designed to be efficient, nice and easy to learn. Your comments are invited (mailto:mail@jlog.org).


Install/Uninstall jLog

Minimum requirements

jLog will run on e.g. an old Pentium 233 MMX-based Windows 95 computer with as little as 48 Mbytes RAM using an 1024 x 768 screen. Loading a log file with 2000 entries should take approximately 7 seconds. A small delay is noticeable when scrolling the screen one line at a time, i.e. the first or last visible line. It is essential to use the newest JRE available (JRE 1.5* is strongly recommended!). Similarly, an old Mac running Mac OS will run jLog but may be experienced as somewhat "slow".

A recommended minimum platform is a Pentium 4 800 MHz running Linux or Windows 98/2000/XP with 128-256 Mbytes of RAM and using a 1024 x 768 screen. A graphics board with a decent 2D-performance is necessary.

The jLog application uses 3 Mbytes of disk space plus space for the database(s). JRE 1.5.0 for Windows uses 56 Mbytes of disk space. The database file is typically 150 bytes in average per entry, i.e. 3 Mbytes for 20 000 entries. Memory usage is 17 - 22 Mbytes (depending on configured jLog max. capacity) plus 2 kbytes per entry, i.e. approximately 64 Mbytes for 20 000 entries or 21 Mbytes for 2000 entries.


Install jLog

Installation covers two steps:

  1. The Java Runtime Environment, JRE (often referred to as the "Java Virtual Machine" or "Java VM")

  2. The jLog application (with it's configuration data) running under the control of ("inside") the Java VM

Please visit the jLog Installer page to find updated installation instructions for each platform!


Installation of a JRE

JRE 1.5.0_07 (or newer) is strongly recommended and must be downloaded separately and installed prior to jLog installation. Although JRE 1.2.x probably can be used, at least JRE 1.3.1 and if available, 1.5 is strongly recommended.  New JREs are mandatory if the logs are large or the computer "is slow". Classic Macs must use MRJ 2.2.5 (based on Sun's JRE 1.1.8).

Download the JREs and optionally 'swingall.jar' from the jLog download page and follow any instructions on that page.

The actual installation is self explanatory if default values are used.


Installation of the jLog application

Run the installer according to instructions on the jLog Download page. Installation should be self explanatory for most users and default values should be used unless you know what you are doing.


Installation of Java COMM package (optional)

In order to use the built-in Radio interface or Keyer, a Java Communications API must be downloaded and installed with the Java VM. Please see the Radio Interface chapter and the Download pages for detailed instructions.


Uninstall jLog

The jLog Uninstaller is found in a subdirectory named 'UninstallerData' in the jLog installation directory. Simply click on the 'Uninstall jLog' entry in this directory to completely uninstall all files installed by the installer program. Files created after initial installation, such as profile and preferences, are not deleted. The jLog installation directory must therefore be deleted manually (after having completed the Uninstallation).


Getting started with jLog

When starting jLog for the first time, two warnings will be issued:

  • "No Profile found"

  • "File not found ("funckeys.txt")"

These warnings can be safely ignored at this stage. After loading is completed, the jLog Main Window should appear with no entries.

Note that Tool Tips will appear when the mouse pointer is positioned over most buttons and fields.


The Main Window

An example of the Main Window is shown below using the Java "Metal" Look and Feel that differs slightly from the "Windows" Look and Feel.


The Status Field is continuously updated when the different rows of the Main Window are selected. The Previous Field is also updated and is showing either previous contacts with the same station or the same country (selectable).

Navigate up/down be means of the Up/Down-keys. Open a selected entry by pushing the Space Bar.

The Status Field is automatically updated with the Country, CQ Zone, ITU Zone, Continent and rotor information (direction and distance). The current DXCC status (Worked/Confirmed) for CW and SSB on the 9 HF bands is automatically displayed.

A Search Field is available to initiate searches throughout the whole log for a specific station or country. Wildcard syntaxes like 'SM5*' can be used to find all previous contacts with the SM5 area.


Setting the User Profile

Select 'Profile' from the 'Tools' menu and fill in information:

Misc tab  
Backup directory (folder) Select a (sub)directory to be used for storing copies whenever 'Backup' is activated. Remember to clean up from time to time
Date format Choose the preferred format
Position at newest entry... Select to automatically scroll to the end of the Log
User tab  


Select the Country name from the list. It will be checked against Callsign for consistency and if wrong, an Error message issued when the OK button is clicked. The ADIF name syntax is used.


Normal callsign syntax, e.g. 'LA3HM'


Your full name (e.g. for use when submitting Contest Logs in the Cabrillo format). Syntax: Given Name + Surname.

Power Low/High values Set your defaults for the 'Low' and 'High' quick select Power buttons
Favourite frequencies Select three quick select Frequencies

Operator field

Select whether the ADIF Operator field should be used as Operator or Location (recommended)

Oper/Loc #1 Name/Value

Name of main Location (QTH) (max 5 - 6 characters recommended) with corresponding Abbreviation (1 - 2 characters recommended) to be put into the log

Oper/Loc #2 Name/Value As above for an alternative location (i.e. your holiday QTH)
eQSL tab  
User Name Enter the eQSL User Name
Password Enter the eQSL Password
Submit new values ... Check to submit Real-Time (requires on-line connection to the Internet (e.g. CATV, ADSL)
Allow manual submission... Check to enable manual submission by right-clicking and selection 'Submit (eQSL)'.



Additional attributes are described below (See Tools->Profile).


Resizing and removing columns

First, use the View->Columns command to remove unnecessary columns. Import the current set, remove (and sort) as desired and 'Try" it before saving it as View '1'. Save the current view by issuing the View->Save View->1 command.

Then, in order to adapt jLog to your screen, columns should be resized. Move the cursor to the Main Window column header and place the cursor between two rows (a <-> should appear). Hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse to resize the column. Repeat for all other columns. The STx, SRx, Mult and Pts columns are only used in Contest mode and should be sized to a minimum or preferably removed (see above).

The Previous table will be resized to the same values when jLog is restarted or views are changed.


Adding information

Note that the 'Auto' mode should be turned off if a radio is not used to set Frequency and Mode.


Entering QSOs manually

jLog requires no additional preparation before use. To enter a QSO simply select the 'New' command from the 'Entry' menu. Fill in the applicable data and click the 'OK' button. The entry should now appear in the Main Window. Repeat the sequence for the next entry. To enter multiple QSO without closing the Entry window, enter 'Apply' instead of 'OK' to finish each entry.


Import existing data using ADIF

If you have log data from a previous Log program, data can be imported using the popular ADIF format if the old program supports this. This is the recommended way to import data! jLog has been verified to operate correctly with several other programs.

The default ADIF file extension is '.adi'.


Import existing data in a non-ADIF format

If, and only if, existing data is not available in ADIF format, you should export data in a text format suitable for a Spreadsheet program like Excel. Restructure data using one of these programs and export the modified data in a "comma separated" format, i.e. using Semicolons as a separator as the preferred separator. The sequence of each line of data must be according to jLog's built-in format (all on one line!):


Use '.jdb' as file extension to easier find the file from jLog. Use the 'Open' command from the 'File' menu to read the file. Note that this is a risky operation because jLog has not been built to allow manual generation of its internal format. It is assumed to be correct! Enter data manually in jLog, save to a file and inspect the file to verify the syntax.


Saving and opening a file

The default filename used by jLog is 'Logbook.jdb'. Use this as the name for the most frequently used file. jLog can be started with a filename as the first parameter (Note that this file must have the extension '.jdb'). If the file 'Logbook.jdb' is not found, jLog will attempt to open the most recently used file.


Menu Commands


The commands Open, Save, Save As, Close, Recent and Exit are assumed to be self-explanatory. Other commands are:



If you import log info from different files with overlapping date/time, the sort command can be used to align the data. Sorting the log other than by Date/Time in Ascending order may be used to get an overview or to save a copy for special purposes.



This will make a copy of the current file in a predefined directory using a unique name and never overwriting a previous copy. The directory can be selected using the Tools->Profile command. If not set, the jLog installation directory is used. Note that you must manually delete files from time to time to recover disk space!!!



Replace all occurrences of a given value throughout the log file for either Mode, Frequency, RST Sent or RST Received fields.


Export and Import

Export all entries or only a subset of entries, i.e. selected or queued entries. Queued entries have the 'Q' column checked.


The Export and Import commands use the Amateur Data Interchange Format (ADIF) V 1.0 to allow interchanging data with other log programs.

JLog support all ADIF tags:


Note that OPERATOR is used to export the Loc(ation) column. When exporting to an ADIF file, you may fill in info to be included in the ADIF header.

Additional MODE values and the proposed (but later non-approved) SUBMODE field are also supported. The proposed DOK field and (yet?) non-standard OBL, JCC and JCG fields are optional and will be removed soon...



Contest logs should be exported in the Cabrillo V2 format in to a file, typically named '<callsign>.cbr', e.g. 'LA3HM.cbr'.

Some information can be lost when exporting to a '.cbr'-file so preserve the original '.jdb'-file also.



Export log in HTML format to allow opening in any browser for display and optionally printing. Use File->Setup to select header, columns etc.



An experimental XML Export is available. ADIF Tags and values are used, but underscores ('_') are converted to hyphens ('-'). Note that this format will most likely change in the future. The exported file can be displayed using e.g. Internet Explorer 6.0.



Export log in XML format and add a HTML-file with the same name. The HTML-file can be opened in Internet Explorer 6 to display and optionally Print the Log. Use File->Setup to select header, columns etc.



Use Import to merge a jLog database file into another database file. The resulting Log will be automatically sorted as part of the Import.



Setup configures the XML/HTML output to a Browser. Add a title and select the columns to be included.



You may print the log using this command after having run File->Setup to select the active fields.

Visit http://www.kaibaufeldt.de/english/Produkte/KBTablePrinter/kbtpOnlineHelp/index.html for more details on KBTablePrinter 'Preview' or 'Parameter' setup screens..



The Properties command provides additional data such as the number of entries on the log, a DXCC summary of total Confirmed and Worked and the number of prefixes worked.


Look and Feel

Change from e.g. Windows native to Java Look and Feel under Windows. Note that Java is the default Look and Feel under Linux/Unix and may have better performance on a Mac "classic" than the default Mac Look and Feel. The last used value is used when restarting jLog. This value is saved in the 'LAF.1' file and can be deleted to start with the system default value.

Linux users can choose the GTK Look and Feel to get better control using System Preferences (e.g. Reducing Font size for Applications from 10 to 9 and Changing Themes Controls to Raleigh and Windows Borders to Crux under Red Hat 9).




Perform a simple search through all fields for a specified text string. The search starts at the currently selected row. The search stops at rows containing the specified text. Use Find Next (F3) to continue.


Find Next (F3)

Repeat the previous Find from the currently selected row.



The advances Search is also available as a Button on the Main Window. Use Search to specify a complex search by combining dates, modes, etc. Note that when entering a date, 'yyyy' is interpreted as '01.01.yyyy'.



Use this command to tailor the view of jLog to your needs. Three different sets can be stored. Set '1' is always selected when jLog is started. When loading or saving a permanent setting, use the Radiobuttons to select the set to be updated. You can also load the set currently used.

Push the User Defined button to choose the columns you prefer to see in the Main Window. You can hide/un-hide these columns like any other column using View 1, 2 or 3 or View All.



The Mode menu can be tailored; i.e. to only contain the modes you actually use. Select or deselect individual modes. Avoid using Submodes (an ADIF 1+ proposed extension that was never approved).


Contest IDs

The Contest ID menu can be tailored; i.e. to only contain the IDs you actually use. Select or deselect individual IDs.


View 1, 2, 3, All and Save View

The Main Window view is configurable with respect to each column's size, the sequence columns appear in and which columns that are shown. Rearrange columns as it suits you and save the current view as one of three predefined views using the Save View command.

Use one view for normal operation, one for contest operation, etc.


Save Position

Using this command you can save the current position of the Main Window (including the position of the "screen splitter", the Contest Clock and the Keyer to be used as the default position when starting jLog.




This opens the Entry form to allow entry of new QSOs.


Push the Set 'End' button to set the current computer time into the End Time field.

The State/Province field is only valid for US and Canadian callsigns. It lists all States or Provinces respectively.

County is only valid for US callsigns and displays all Counties within the Selected State (above).

Note that fields that are updated automatically are not changeable unless the "Auto" checkbox is unchecked. Power and Location are also considered to not need frequent updating (can be set using the Preset command).

Navigate from field to field using the TAB-key (and SHIFT-TAB to go backwards). The Enter key is used to select OK or APPLY (if this was used to end the previous entry). The idea is to use a minimum of keystrokes and mouse operations.

New entries are backed up until properly saved to the log file. If jLog or the computer suddenly crashes, new entries are read from the backup file the next time jLog is started. The User is asked whether these entries should be added or not.

Use the Prev/Next buttons to quickly navigate from entry to entry without closing the Form.



Open the currently selected entry using the Entry form. If 'Edit' mode is checked, the "Auto" checkbox is automatically unchecked to allow editing. Modified information is shown in red colour. Consider carefully before saving it by clicking the OK button. If 'Edit' mode is unchecked, the entry is opened and changes will be ignored.



Online lookup from QRZ.com of the station of the currently selected row. The information is displayed in a separate window. Use ctrl-F5 to open the QRZ window from the entry window and ctrl-F6 to transfer relevant values.



Online lookup from University of Arcansas Litte Rock's (UALR) Amateur Radio Club's FCC Database  of the station of the currently selected row. The information is displayed in a separate window. See http://www.ualr.edu/~hamradio/ for more info.



Lookup the station of the currently selected row in the ON6DP QSL Manager database. The information is displayed in a separate window. Download the database file (QSL.FUL) from http://www.dd3kf.de/on6dp.htm.



Submit one or more selected entries to eQSL. Note that you must be connected to Internet when issuing this command. No specific confirmation will be issued if the operation is successful. You will observe that that QSL Sent will be checked and QSL via is set to eQSL. A dialog box is shown in case errors or warnings are issued by eQSL. Successful submissions are logged to the file 'save/eqsl-log.txt'.

Do not use this method to submit large amounts of data. ADIF export should be used in stead.


Add Remark

Use this command to add the same remark to a number of selected entries.



Position at the first entry of a specific date in the log.



Set the default values for Frequency, Mode, Power and Location to be used in the Entry form (see above). Note that the frequency and mode values are not used when a radio is connected to supply this information. The Power and Location values can be set directly or by using the values available using the buttons. The values are used as default values when creating new entries.

Use the 'Set Default' button to save the current values as the new start-up values.



The last entry entered can be deleted. Note that older entries cannot be deleted!

Hint: To remove an old entry in the log, set the date to a date newer than "today's" date. Sort the log and delete the last entry.



Set 'Auto' (i.e. "Radio present") mode as the default. Band and Mode are automatically filled in for new entries.



Check the Edit mode to allow changing existing entries. If unchecked, entries are opened in read-only mode.


Edit S/R

Values shown in the Main Window cannot be changed directly. An exception is the QSL Sent/Received Check Boxes. Check the Edit S/R to allow modifying these values directly from the Main Window.




Display the detailed DXCC status. The content is assumed to be self-explanatory.



Show all log entries matching a selected country, e.g. to select the entry to be used as proof of contact. The result is displayed in the lower part of the Main Log Window.



Close the DXCC display. Nothing is saved or modified but the displayed status is lost.


Save As

Save data as shown (e.g. with rearranged columns and sorted content) to a file, e.g. to be used by an external Spreadsheet program or a Word processor for further handling.



Sort the content to get a better view or before saving it to a file by clicking the appropriate column header.




Display status for the Worked All Continents (WAC), Worked All States (WAS), Worked All Zones (WAZ), Worked all Prefixes (WPX), US Counties Award (USCA), Islands On The Air (IOTA) and VHF/UHF Century Club (VUCC) awards. The Save As commands are described above (under DXCC). Sort by clicking the appropriate column header.

Note that the WAS Report now handles the Primary Administrative Subdivision of many countries (e.g. CA, CH, BE, DE,  DK, FR, NL, PT).



Select 'Mixed', 'CW' or 'SSB', etc. to change the view for the different frequencies.



Show all log entries matching a selected state, e.g. to select the entry to be used as proof of contact. The result is displayed in the lower part of the Main Log Window.



Use a separate log file when operating during the contest. This file can later be merged with your ordinary log.



Recalculate Multipliers and Points. Note that a contest mode (e.g. SAC, ARRL, CQWW, etc.) must be selected and Contest Mode turned on before Recalc is activated. Multipliers and Points are updated in the log and the resulting numbers are displayed in a popup.



Turn On/Off Contest Mode (e.g. auto incrementing the Send sequence number).


Contest modes

Set the specific contest modes:

  • SAC


  • CQ-WPX

    ... description to be added ...



Set the current value of the Number series manually. This value is automatically incremented.

Fill in the Contest ID. Use names like SAC, ARRL-DX-CW and CQ-WPX-SSB.



Setup the Cabrillo V2 header to be used when exporting a contest log. Save the current values to a file named 'cab-hdr.cbr". Load these values later when exporting a log using File->Export.



Internet DX Spots are handled via Telnet or via the DX Concentrator (DXC) application. DXC must be installed on the same computer as jLog or on a computer accessible via a TCP/IP network (e.g. LAN or Internet). See the jLog Profile for setup.


Open the Spot Log window to overview incoming DX Spot reports.



Set the frequency of the radio to the frequency of the currently selected entry in the Spot Log.



Open a connection to the host for receiving spots from the host chosen in the 'Spot' tab in the jLog Profile.



Close an open connection..




Show/Hide the Clock by checking this command.

The Clock always displays UTC format.



Show/Hide the Keyer using this command.



Show the mini-Keyer.


eQSL Sync

On-line, automatic synchronization with eQSL.cc to update the status for received cards; i.e. sets the eQSL Received flag for entries corresponding to the current log.


eQSL Import

Import saved eQSL.cc "Logbook/OutBox" file to update the status for sent cards; i.e. sets the eQSL Sent flag for entries corresponding to the current log.


US State/County QRZ Web-lookup

US State/County can be automatically looked up from QRZ.com via an Internet connection. The result is automatically entered for all selected entries provided that the callsign is found in the QRZ.com database.

Note: Select an area by first clicking on the start row (i.e. select it). Then, scroll to the last row to be selected, press SHIFT and click on the last row. The whole area should now appear as selected. You can select/deselect a specific row by holding down CTRL and clicking the row. Repeat for multiple rows.



Checks the currently open Log. Currently, the check covers Modes and Frequencies. Illegal entries are listed in the lower part of the Main Log Window ("Previous Table")..


QSO Number

The QSO Number value indicates the next QSO Number to be used for new entries.

Re-number the current log starting with the QSO Number specified (should normally be set to 1 if the whole log is to be renumbered).



Find duplicate entries and optionally remove them. Please note that only the fields Date, Time on, Station, Frequency, Mode, Send, Receive, Time off, Name and QTH are checked.



Open the Geo Calculator dialog to allow various conversions of Latitude and Longitude values to/from Gridsquare. Note that various forms are accepted, e.g.


are all acceptable, but the latter is used when calculating Lat/Lon from Gridsquare.



Open the QRZ dialog allowing lookup for any callsign. An Internet connection must be available.



Open the QSL Manager dialog allowing lookup for any callsign. The Qsl.ful database must be installed.



See also the description in the Getting Started Chapter above. The Profile is unchanged when installing an updated version.

Misc tab

Home folder should be set to the folder where you keep your log files, etc.

Backup folder should be set to a dedicated folder, preferably on a different drive. Whenever the Backup button is pushed, a copy of the current log file is saved (with a '.tmp' extension). Remember to clean up from time to time.

Backup frequency can be used to make automatic copies of the log at regular intervals. make sure that you have the free space needed for may copies of the log. The interval is calculated from the previous automatic backup or last push of the Backup button.

Date format allows changing between the three formats: yyyy-mm-dd, dd.mm.yyyy and mm/dd/yyyy. The current log is updated when closing the profile.

Distance unit is used to display the distance part of the Rotor information.

Position at newest entry after Open will set the initial position to the last entry in stead of the first entry.

Config tab

You should define at least one configuration and as a minimum fill in Callsign and Full Name fields. Verify that the Country is correct and also the CQ and ITU Zones in case they are not automatically set to an unambiguous value.

Configurations are typically used to reflect alternative QTHs, but can be used to reflect e.g. Operators or Rigs (in case multiple rigs can be used for a given frequency or mode).

Favourites tab

Setup values for Power Low/High buttons and the three Favourite frequency buttons.

Specify the Default signal strength to be used for new entries when no value is filled in.

The Operator field setup is no longer used. Location is now replaced by the new Config term (see Config tab above)..

Radio tab

Setup the Radio and Keyer interface. The Keyer shares the COM port with the Radio. You must check the "Radio present" box even if you use a keyer only (see Radio Parameters in the Radio Interface below).

The remaining attributes are used by the Radio. Set the proper baudrate, manufacturer and model. You may have to experiment with different Refresh values and enable/disable the auto refresh depending on the radio model. A to high refresh rate may garble data or block the radio. Icom radios should not need to use auto refresh. They still get (better) updated.

Spots tab

Setup Telnet DX Spots (or indirect access via DXC or similar). Choose a predefined Host or specify Address and Port directly. The predefined hosts are defined in the file 'conf/cluster.dat' in the jLog installation folder. You can freely edit this file. The syntax is one host per line specifying  <name>, <IP Address>,<Port>

eQSL tab

Allows real time logging at eQSL. Specify the User name and Password to be used. Successful submissions are logged to the file 'save/eqsl-log.txt'.

Enable real time logging with the Submit new entries automatically checkbox. When unchecked, entries must be manually submitted using the Entry->Submit command (and the same User name and Password).

Allow manual submission must be checked to allow manual submission using the Entry->Submit (eQSL) command (or corresponding pop-up menu command).

Auto-convert QSL-status for entries marked 'eQSL' in 'QSL Sent Via' field is only applicable when converting a log database file from V 3.x to V4. It allows you to automatically set the new eQSL S/R-fields using the previous combined S/R-fields and the value 'eQSL' in the 'QSL Sent Via' field. Verify manually and clear these "Assume..." fields when they are no longer needed.

The Path to eQSL Import form should normally be ignored.

Version tab

You may introduce a warning when using the Help->Check for Updates command if you are not permanently connected to the Internet.

You can control the frequency of checking for updates. If you have a permanent connection to the Internet, frequent checking is recommended to be quickly warned in case a critical update is released; i.e. at least weekly. You can issue the "Help->Check for Updates" command any time regardless of this setting.

Entry tab

Specify how to handle an empty End-time field when closing the Entry form (dialogue).

When running with Java 1.5 or newer you can force the Entry form to stay on-top; i.e. not be hidden by any other windows. There is a checkbox at the bottom of the Entry form that allow you to temporarily disable this functionalty.

You can configure jLog to automatically fetch relevant info from QRZ.com and fill it into the Entry form. Note that this requires a permanent, fast Internet connection and the "Warn before accessing Internet" checkbox must be unchecked (see 'Version tab' above).

Fonts tab

Change the size of all fonts in jLog relative to their default size by adjusting the slider. This will be possible with Java 1.4 or newer, except for Linux with GTK.

Alternatively, replace and/or resize individual groups of fonts.


Relocating the Profile

The Profile (consisting of the files 'profile.1' and 'profile.xml') can be placed outside their normal location in jLog's 'conf/' folder. Create the file 'conf/profile.txt' and insert a single line with the new location path, e.g. '/Users/john/Public/'.

This can be useful for Dual-boot setups, etc.



On jLog

Display the jLog Help file (that should also be available from the Start Menu).


System Info

Display various System information related to the Java environment. Use Save As to save it to a file e.g. for sending it to support@jlog.org when requesting support.


Check for Update

On-line check for new versions. Make sure that you are connected to the Internet when using this command. The http-protocol is used in read-only mode so NOTHING is transferred from your computer! Existing files are renamed and new files added. Note that the main program file 'jlog.jar' cannot be updated directly. You must close jLog and run Update->jLog after downloading the update.



Displays the jLog and Java Versions and the address of the jLog Home Page (http://jlog.org/) and E-mail address (mail@jlog.org) to be used for Support.


Navigating between and inside windows

The following keys are used for efficient navigation between the windows without using the mouse.

'Alt' + 'm'  or
'Alt' + 'M'

Switch focus to the Main Log window

'Alt' + 'l'  or
'Alt' + 'L'

Switch focus to the Log Entry window (if open)

'Alt' + 'k'  or
'Alt' + 'K'

Switch to the Keyer if open or otherwise the mini-keyer. If neither is open, a new entry is opened and the mini-keyer is started.

The following keyboard commands are available when a log entry has been selected in the Main Log or Previous Log windows:

' '

Open current entry

'e' or 'E'

Edit current entry

'z' or 'Z'

Switch between Main and Previous lists

'p' or 'P'

Switch to Previous list (only available in Main Log)

'm' or 'M'

Switch to Main list (only available in Previous Log)


Tracking QSLs

jLog allow for independent tracking of QSLs Sent/Received via

  • Bureau/Direct (traditional)
  • eQSL
  • LoTW

Each of them provide separate columns with checkboxes for sent and received. Make sure that 'Edit S/R' is enabled (i.e. Entry->Edit S/R toggles this flag).


Classic QSLs

QSL Status (S/R) is shown as a checkbox in the main Window. The values can be updated directly by clicking inside the checkbox provided that you have enabled this function. The value Entry->Edit S/R enables/disables this function (also available in the right-click pop-up menu). QSL status can also be updated in the Entry form.


Sending QSLs

If you use an external program to print QSLs or QSL labels, you may want to use ADIF Export to transfer all entries, or selected entries only. Use either multiple row selection or the Queue column. Multiple rows are selected by means of the Shift and/or Ctrl keys (slightly platform dependant). The Queue column behaves just like the QSL S/R columns. The ADIF Export pop-up contains checkboxes to allow only the selected or the queued entries to be exported.


Receiving QSLs

Use of the simple Search field in the Main Window is recommended to easily find the entry when updating the log after having received a QSL card.


Logbook of The World (LoTW)

jLog provides automatic and manual functions for interaction with ARRL's Logbook of The World (LoTW).



The LoTW User name and password must be entered into the Profile before this service can be used. The LoTW User name and password must be entered into the Profile before this service can be used. You can also choose whether or not to automatically send new log entries or also block manual sending of entries. In the latter case, ADIF Export must be used to transfer entries. The automatic functions obviously requires a permanent connection to the Internet.

jLog makes use of ARRL's TQSL program to sign entries before submission. The path to the TQSL program must therefore be set in the Profile. TQSL makes use of the term location when signing. Make sure that the location values are known in jLog. These values are presented as choices when establishing 'config' values in the Profile; i.e. a given config typically maps to a TQSL location.


Sending QSLs

QSLs are sent to LoTW in several ways

  • by bulk transfer using ADIF Export of all or part of the log
  • using multiple row selection or the Queue column to select entries to be sent directly from jLog
  • automatically when new entries are created (requires a permanent Internet connection and access to the TQSL program)


Receiving QSLs

Use the Tools->LoTW Sync command to update the eQSL Received status column.


Updating QSL status

To update the LoTW S/R status columns for previously sent entries, use the Tools->LoTW Sync command. Make sure that the log file corresponds to the LoTW log! Note that this may take a while to complete if the number of QSOs is large. Also note that this will not create new entries at either side. Please observe any irregularities by inspecting the log file 'import.txt'.



jLog provides automatic and manual functions for interaction with eQSL.



The eQSL User name and password must be entered into the Profile before this service can be used. You can also choose whether or not to automatically send new log entries (using the eQSL "Real-time interface") or also block manual sending of entries. In the latter case, ADIF Export must be used to transfer entries. The automatic functions obviously requires a permanent connection to the Internet.


Sending QSLs

QSLs are sent to eQSL in several ways

  • by bulk transfer using ADIF Export of all or part of the log
  • using multiple row selection or the Queue column to select entries to be sent directly from jLog
  • automatically when new entries are created (requires a permanent Internet connection)


Receiving QSLs

Use the Tools->eQSL Sync (Inbox) command to update the eQSL Received status column.


Updating QSL status

To update the eQSL Received status column, use the Tools->eQSL Sync (Inbox) command. Make sure that the log file corresponds to the eQSL log! Note that this may take a while to complete if the number of QSOs is large. Also note that this will not create new entries at either side. Please observe any irregularities by inspecting the log file 'import.txt'.

To update the eQSL Sent status column, use the Tools->eQSL Import (Outbox) command. Prior to this, visit the eQSL Outbox tab and click on the 'Download Log in ADIF format ' link, save to a local file (to be imported in jLog).


The Keyer(s)

The built-in keyer can be used when a radio set is connected to the computer. Two Keyer interfaces are available; the standard Keyer and a mini-Keyer (visible only when adding new entries). Switch to a keyer from Log input using ALT+'k' and back again using ALT+'l'.

Send user defined text using Function Keys F5 to F12 or type in text using the keyboard. All characters represented by the Morse code can be transmitted. In addition, unused characters are used to represent special sequences as follows:

+ KN
& AR









The following keys are used to indicate that specific values should be inserted:

* Your own callsign is inserted (as defined in the Profile)
@ The other station's callsign (from an open new entry only) is inserted
$ The 'Sent RS(T)' (from an open new entry only) is inserted
# The 'Send Serial Number' (from an open new entry in contest mode only) is inserted

These characters can be used both in F5 - F12 character strings and typed in from the keyboard.

Keys F2 - F4 are used as follows (may change in the future):

F2 FLUSH transmission buffer (i.e. cancel all transmission)
F3 Increase Speed (same as PageUp)
F4 Decrease Speed (same as Page Down)

The Keyer uses the Radio interface port selected in the Profile. The RTS pin (7) is used for keyer output. Ground is pin 5.


The Radio Interface

A Radio interface module is included with jLog to allow automatic logging of frequency and mode. When a radio is properly connected, the current frequency and mode is displayed in the lower right corner. Click in this field to update the frequency or turn on Auto update in the Profile. Note that older radios may not be suited for automatic update. ICOM radios will always update automatically.

If you do not need the radio interface, turn off the 'Radio present' tab in the Profile.


Setting up communication

Please visit the jLog Web site (installer page) for updated, platform specific instructions.


Physical connection

Please refer to the equipment manual. The following guidelines are valid for my own Icom IC-765:

Using a standard 9-pin D-type female connector for the PC, the Radio need only be connected to pin 2 (TX), 3 (RX) and 5 (GND).

However, pins 1 (DCD), 4 (DTR), 6 and 9 must be interconnected at the computer end. Pins 7 (RTS) and 8 (CTS) must be interconnected if a Keyer is not used. If a Keyer is used, pin 8 must be connected to pin 4 (with 1, 6 and 9) and pin 7 used as output to the Keyer as shown below:

See http://www.qsl.net/g3vgr/civ.html for a suitable ICOM - PC signal converter. Similar solutions may be needed for older Kenwood and Yaesu models.


Radio parameters

The radio parameters can be configured using the Tools->Profile menu. Please report back positive and negative experiences.

Set values using recommendations in the computer and radio manuals.

To interface a Keyer without using the Radio (CAT) interface:

  • Set Radio present
  • Select the appropriate Port
  • Set baudrate to any non-zero value; e.g. 1200
  • Trace Off
  • Manufacturer = Other
  • Do not set Model ("blank")
  • Auto refresh Off (Rate > 0%; e.g. 10%)


Register jLog

The downloadable version of jLog allows a maximum of 200 entries, mainly for evaluation purposes. Register jLog and receive a Registration Code that opens up more capacity free of charge(!) to registered amateurs (i.e. with a valid Callsign). The penalty of ordering too high capacity is the corresponding memory requirement. So unless you have a very powerful computer with lots of RAM, you should start with a reasonable value and re-register later if you need to increase the capacity. Remember that when more than one log file is used, the capacity must match the size of the largest file.

The following information is required:

  • Your Callsign (must be verifiable using e.g. Buckmaster, QSL.net or similar)

  • Your full Name (as you like to see it appear, e.g. 'Michael J. Fox')

  • E-mail address (Telefax and/or Postal address, if an E-mail address is not normally available)

  • Your Web-site address (optional)

  • Platform used (Windows XP/2000/NT/98 II, Linux RH/Suse, Mac OS 9/OS X or other)

  • Capacity required per log file, e.g. 2000, 3500, 5000, 7500, 10000, 15000, 25000, optionally 40000, 65000, 90000 or more (optional values require an additional entry in the 'jLog.lax' file)

  • Radio equipment (brand, model), e.g. ICOM IC-765 and Yaesu FT-100

Note that Callsign and Name will appear on the Main screen (top right). These values must be entered exactly as they are entered in the Profile. These values will be used when e.g. creating Contest Log Headers in the Cabrillo format.

Send this information to register@jlog.org and receive a Registration Code similar to this '3-119-5829-3190' in return. Use Help->Register to enter the received code.

When restarting jLog, observe that the 'Unregistered copy' is replaced by 'Registered to: <name> (<callsign>)'. The Help->About command can be used to verify that the desired capacity is available. If values do not match, jLog will continue as an unregistered version, i.e. with a 200-entry capacity.



Q: Registration fails. jLog is still 'unregistered'...
A: Make sure that Callsign and Name in the 'Profile' is entered exactly as specified in you registration e-mail. This should solve your problem.

Q: I get lots of 'Check Config' warnings when I run Verify...
A: Please fill in at least one entry in the Profile under the 'Config' tab, including a Config Abb. Go to the Main window and mark all (Ctrl-A) or a subset of the entries, right-click and choose 'Set Configuration'. Choose the relevant abbreviated Configuration name.


Version history

jLog V 4.0

jLog V 4.0 is a major update that introduces important new features and ADIF 2 support

Errors corrected

  • Add blank between date and time for Cabrillo output and allow 1.8 MHz
  • Corrected QRZ lookup error
  • Added missing init of Lat/Lon if Profile positions are not filled in
  • Corrected manual entry of 5 MHz values
  • Correction to avoid confusion with all numeric suffixes (e.g. /127)
  • Corrected display of QSL Status in Previous table
  • Corrected ITU & CQ dropdowns in Profile
  • Corrected count for Verify: Check Country
  • Corrected frequency column sorting
  • Some improvements of previous call lookup (still more to be done)
  • Corrected auto setting of empty End-time
  • Corrected Verify & ADIF Export of QSL S and QSL R values to avoid loss of these values
  • Added robustness against illegal frequency values
  • Status field and DXCC Report selectable from Paper, eQSL or LoTW columns
  • Suggest country in Verify Check Country warning
  • Fixed Mac OS X Table Header error
  • Save QSL Received Date value when updating from LoTW
  • Avoid repeated checks for Updates when set to 'manual'
  • Postal code is now active in Profile
  • Improve init of myCQ and myITU Profile values
  • Cosmetic improvements to FCC output  + Profile (Mac OS X)
  • Corrected DX Cluster port 23 entry
  • Corr. saving of eQSL Auto and Manual flags in Profile and set eQSL Sent date
  • Corr. search after modification of an existing entry's callsign
  • Mac OS 9 ("Classic") updates
  • Net-improvements
  • ADIF Import improvements
  • Changed call for time to run with Mac OS X 10.3.9 and Apple's recent Java Updates
  • Corrected Internet warning
  • Improved 'jLog Update'
  • Improved recovery of lost entries
  • Proper handling of IOTA for IH9 and IG9 (African Italy)
  • Improved auto-refresh from radio for new entry dialogue
  • Improved DX Cluster login V 4.1
  • Made 'OLIVIA' mode an Upper Case value V 4.2
  • Kenwood CAT improvements V 4.3.3


  • Adjusted file format allowing many new ADIF 2-fields and a few proprietary fields to be introduced:
  •   New ADIF2-fields, e.g. Rig, Latitude, Longitude, Operator, Station, Owner, SIG, SIG Info, various SAT-related fields (e.g. Bursts, Pings)
  •   New proprietary fields, e.g. two User defined fields, E-mail-field, QRP-field, QSO# column
  • Queue column
  • Separate tracking of QSL Status for eQSL and LoTW (in addition to previous Bureau/Direct)
  • 10 User defined columns in the Main table view (e.g. State, County and most relevant fields as columns).
  • Log Printing with Preview introduced using the KBTablePrinter library
  • "US WAS"-type Report now also available for AR, AU, CA, CH, CL, BE, DE,  DK, ES, FR, MX, NL, NZ, PL, PT, PY, RO, SE, UY (and more to come...)
  • Auto sync eQSL.cc to update the status for received cards
  • US State/County lookup from QRZ on the Web
  • GeoCalc to calculate Lat/Lon <=> Gridsquare
  • Allow multiple Configurations (various Rigs, Locations, etc)
  • Insert entry command added
  • Ignore CQ and /QRP for ADIF export
  • Remember last Export Path used
  • ADIF import improvements
  • Improved I/O-error reporting
  • New User Defined columns available ("Via", "S_Via" and "R_ Via")
  • Added modes: FSK441, JT65, Olivia
  • LoTW Sync & Entry Upload
  • eQSL.cc ADIF 'Outbox status' Import from file
  • Automatic check for Updates
  • APRS & TEST as "callsigns" similar to "CQ"
  • Convert modes for printing (CW->A1A, SSB->A3J, etc) to comply with e.g. UK regulations
  • Remote Profile location introduced
  • Verify will check syntax for DOK, JCC, JCG, OBL and Submode
  • Renamed Yugoslavia to Serbia and Montenegro
  • Added "WAS" AT, BG, BR, CZ, FI, IT, ITs (Sardinia), HU, JP, KR, NO, PH, SK (definition files to be available with full update)
  • Added SSID
  • Check for Update improved
  • Introduced 'NO-DXCC' in the Country selection dialog
  • Make Entry dialog stay on top (requires Java 5)
  • Introduced Font size adjustment and Font substitution (not for Mac OS 9 or other Java 1.1.x or Linux w/GTK)
  • The new RXTX version 'RXTX-2.1-7' introduced for CAT improvements
  • Windows version changed to use RXTX in stead of Java Communications API
  • Added Montenegro (YU6) and Swains Island (KH8S) as new countries
  • Updated 'jLog-help' with the description of how to relocate the Profile
  • Tools->Duplicates implements checking for and removal of duplicate entries V 4.1
  • Allow QSO Number renumbering for selected number of entries V 4.2
  • Automatic lookup at QRZ.com and entry of values in the ENtry form for new messages (enable in Profile, Entry tab) V 4.2

Limitations and known errors

  • Configurations are not exported with every entry (as specified by ADIF 2)
  • The Help window may display Internet pages improperly. Use an external browser if you experience problems.
  • Pre Java 1.4: On the first attempt to set the Country after opening the Profile, the currently selected country is not displayed. Close and select once more to see the correct value.


jLog V 3.0

jLog V 3.0 is a major update that introduces a new radio control module with new Java I/O-modules.

Errors corrected

  • Allow use of special characters in QSLMSG (e.g. '&') when submitting to eQSL
  • Changed path for eQSL Real Time import form. Note that their password checking has also changed (it is now case sensitive)!
  • Corrected QRZ lookup handling for Classic Mac (and other JRE 1.1.8)
  • Allow more than 250 countries in DXCC Report
  • Corrected reports for entries with unassigned country
  • Some cosmetic improvements
  • Corrected Name and QTH fill-in from previous contacts with the same station


  • Successful eQSL submissions are logged in the file 'save/eqsl-log.txt'
  • New Radio module intending to support most modern radios (Kenwood, Yaesu, Ten-Tec, etc.)
  • Faster open of Entry window
  • Count rows (i.e. worked/confirmed status) in the DXCC Report (similar to other reports)
  • Support for GTK Look and Feel under Linux when using Sun's Java 1.4.2_02 or newer
  • Improved Verify command
  • Do not update Mode from the radio if e.g. PKT, PSK31 or similar
  • Cleaned up the jLog install folder. New 'conf' subfolder store program ('.jar') and configuration files and 'save' subfolder used to save logs and old versions after update over Internet
  • Added IRLP ("IRL") value for Propagation Mode
  • Ignore CQ and trailing /QRP for eQSL export
  • eQSL submissions are logged ('save/eqsl-log.txt')
  • Context menu for Mac OS X using CTRL-Click, About and Preferences OS X system menus
  • Single key (ctrl-F6) for transfer of QRZ-info to an open Log window

Limitations and known errors

  • jLog must be restarted after changing Look & Feel under Mac OS X Java 1.3
  • The Help window may display Internet pages improperly. Use an external browser if you experience problems.
  • Pre Java 1.4: On the first attempt to set the Country after opening the Profile, the currently selected country is not displayed. Close and select once more to see the correct value.